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發(fā)布來(lái)源:萬(wàn)享進(jìn)貿通供應鏈(上海)有限公司  發(fā)布日期: 2023-04-10  訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:1071


1、生產(chǎn)國原產(chǎn)地證(Certificate of origin)---出國出具,需要原件

2、生產(chǎn)國家衛生證書(shū)(Certificate of sanitary)---出國出具,需要原件

3、銷(xiāo)售證明(Certificate of Free Sale)---廠(chǎng)家出具,需要原件

4、成分分析報告表 (ysis report)--- 制造商需要用中英文進(jìn)行比較,并由制造商簽字蓋章

5、生產(chǎn)日期證明 (certificate of bottling dates)---需要廠(chǎng)家原件,有廠(chǎng)家簽字蓋章

6、裝箱單 (weight memo /packing list)---原廠(chǎng)家需要原件,并有發(fā)貨人的蓋章和簽名.

7、F票(commercial invoice)---原廠(chǎng)家需要原件,并有發(fā)貨人的蓋章和簽名.

8、貿易合同 (purchase contract)---雙方需要簽字蓋章原件

9、產(chǎn)品包裝標簽(Bottle label)---廠(chǎng)家出具

10、提單(Bill of Lading)---出具的原始提單/電放

1. Certificate of origin - issued abroad, original required

2. Certificate of sanitary in the country of production - issued abroad, original required

3. Certificate of free sale - issued by the nufacturer, the original is required

4. Composition ysis report (ysis report) - it needs to be signed and sealed by the nufacturer in both Chinese and English

5. Certificate of bottling dates - the original of the nufacturer is required with the signature and seal of the nufacturer

6. Packing list (weight memo / packing list) - the original of the original nufacturer is required, with the seal and signature of the shipper

7. F bill (commercial invoice) - the original of the original nufacturer is required, with the seal and signature of the shipper

8. Purchase contract -- original signed and sealed by both parties

9. Product packaging label - issued by the nufacturer

10. Bill of lading - issued by the shipping company, original bill of lading / telerelease

李國杰(經(jīng)理) 專(zhuān)注于進(jìn)口物流師



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